Thursday, March 24, 2016

Success Stories


10 Million Dollar Earner

It is a WIN-WIN business in the true sense.

In November 2000, a friend of mine recommended the Naturally Plus business to me. He said that the company started from the beginning with this one awesome product called SUPER LUTEIN, a nutritional supplement designed to promote not only eye health, but also overall wellbeing, and for about only $100 a month, it’s possible to start a very prosperous business.

I thought, “Can this really work?” I was very suspicious about it, but because of our friendship, and also because he's a reliable person I've known for many years, I felt that I should accept and bought a bottle of SUPER LUTEIN.
I’ve tried working at a number of different of businesses over the years, experiencing many ups and downs, and at the time, was deep in debt and had reached the lowest point in my life. I was so lost I didn’t know what to do.
I was so determined to be successful that for over 20 years I studied the differences between people who succeed and people who don’t. As a result, I had this certain image in my mind that a successful person must be very capable, highly energetic, always aim higher and always want more. So, when I met some of the successful distributors in Naturally Plus, I was overwhelmed by their appearance… They seemed to be typical, average people; oh-so-ordinary that none of them matched my image of successful people in any way.
It was at that time I felt that no matter what your background is, anyone can succeed in Naturally Plus, and I decided to study the Naturally Plus compensation plan. After I gained a thorough understanding of its binary system, I came to the conclusion that teamwork is a much more important aspect to success than individual capacity.
In other businesses, success depends on how well you continuously improve your skills. But the Naturally Plus Binary System is designed to optimize the collective power of the team. Therefore, even if you’re just an average person with no special skills, you can achieve success by cooperating with other members as a team that shares the same goal.
By nature, deep inside their heart, humans have the instinct to be competitive. Competitive relationships between members affiliated with your Left and Right lines can raise conflicts. So another key for you to achieve success is creating a culture where people support each other despite their position in the organization. If you want people to help you, the best way is to approach someone else’s organization, offer to help them and set a good example yourself. The top leaders in Naturally Plus who joined over a decade ago have spent more than 10 years building a culture of cooperation. This is the Naturally Plus culture shared by our distributors. Today, Naturally Plus is supported by three pillars: great products, great system and great culture. All three are indispensable.
What I love about Naturally Plus is that you don’t have all the hassles and headaches that you would have with a more traditional business. Unlike traditional salespersons, in Naturally Plus all you need to do is to convey information about the products to people around you. This is how it works: you become curious; you try the product; you feel the benefits; and then you simply share your experience with other people. There's no stocking products. There’s no shipping products. In fact, the company takes care of a lot of day-to-day details that you would expect to do yourself when you go into business. It’s really that simple. That’s why even the average elderly person can continuously receive a high income at Naturally Plus. There are numerous cases like this.
At Naturally Plus, you succeed by helping other people succeed. That is what you should focus on?supporting each other! It is a WIN-WIN business in the true sense.
I always tell people that this business is about looking for people who are interested in what you have to say. If he/she is not interested, being overly persistent is an unproductive way of spending your time. And you are probably annoying anyone that is not interested. Recognizing people who are interested in what you're saying and knowing when's the time to stop and move on is another key point.
One of the most important things to do is set your goal. Goals vary from person to person. Some people want to be healthy and beautiful. Some people want to have a little extra income. Some people want to take Naturally Plus as a full-time job in search of a respectable income; for example, $3000-3500 a month. Then some people may have the entrepreneurial spirit and aim for achieving financial wealth, say $10,000 a month. It's very important to set your goal at the beginning, and then carefully plan how to achieve it. Of course, when you join in, Naturally Plus holds seminars and workshops that provide you with business insight.
If you ask me, "What is the core competence of Naturally Plus?" I would say it’s the Binary System. I’ve tried other direct-selling businesses in the past, and found that with breakaway or uni-level plans, if you fail to continuously improve your skills personally, success is not possible. But with the Naturally Plus Binary System, you’re never alone. You can depend on your team. Other key factors are that points are accumulated throughout your down-line, and Naturally Plus pays on a weekly basis. You can correlate this business to a point card: when the accumulated points reach a certain level, you can exchange them for cash.
I always tell the people I meet the following:
“Your life can be changed by making a simple choice. Why not try Naturally Plus as one option for creating income?
In other business, you may succeed or you may fail. But in Naturally Plus, you may succeed, you may not succeed, but you will never fail. Why is that? It’s because there’s virtually no risk. You don’t have inventory and it requires no big investment. All you need to do is repeat one product every month. The product delivers such amazing results that the ongoing demand creates an enormous business opportunity. When you are sharing products like that, the business becomes almost self-evident.
Let’s say, after one year you’re not successful and you decide that this business is not for you. Even so, you’re not losing anything. Actually, you’re probably healthier after taking a high-quality product that's made in Japan.
It’s a low-risk opportunity everyone should most definitely try!”

Because of Naturally Plus, I got back my independence.

Two years and seven months after an incident when I was 57 which left me in a state of deep depression, I was sitting in a restaurant in Osaka and overheard the conversation of a family sitting at the table next to me. One of the women was sharing her experience with a particular supplement product. I was so intrigued that I couldn’t help but ask this total stranger, “What is this supplement you are talking about?” She replied, “It’s called SUPER LUTEIN. You can’t buy it in a regular store. You have to become a member of a company to get it.” Hearing how sincerely she talked about her experience, I’m certain my excitement showed as I immediately asked to register with the company, and that lady became my sponsor*.
* Sponsor is the person that first shares Naturally Plus products or the business opportunity with you. Naturally Plus products are sold exclusively through distributors and are NOT available in stores. Your sponsor will provide you with a detailed introduction of our products and opportunity.
Going to eat at that restaurant in Osaka was the most important day of my life! Since taking SUPER LUTEIN, my health improved and now I see everything in a brighter light.
I was elated and couldn’t help but share my SUPER LUTEIN experience with friends. Being 60, almost everyone I know is around the same age. It turned out that SUPER LUTEIN not only worked for me, it’s worked for them too. Just as I did, they begin sharing their experiences with their friends, and naturally the circle grew bigger and bigger.
As more and more people registered to buy the product as the result of me telling my story, I recognized that Naturally Plus automatically began paying me an income for sharing my experience. It was then that I realized that this could be a very nice business.
Of course, I wanted to visit the head office to confirm everything with my own eyes. It was just as I had imagined it would be: a well-founded company with friendly, professional staff. At that moment I made my mind up to make this my career, even though I was already 60 years old. One year later, I was making US$20,000 per month.
If I had not heard about the experience of that family at the table next to me, I would’ve never found out about SUPER LUTEIN, and may not have gotten the chance to lead the life I have today. I’m now 72 years old, and there are members even older than me. One that I know personally is 86. It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, anyone can succeed with Naturally Plus.
You can do it in your free time or whenever, wherever you want to. It is as simple as sharing your story and collecting the points. There are no sales quotas, and it’s so fun that it doesn’t feel like working.
Today, I feel much healthier, can do what I want when I want, and have achieved a level of financial wealth I could never have believed possible at my age. More importantly, I have not only achieved material wealth, I am also rich in heart. If a person at my age can succeed, anyone can.
I now feel that it’s my duty to be a Naturally Plus ambassador. In 2012, one of the members invited me to visit Europe to share my experience in person. I accepted. Over a period of one month I visited France, UK, Scotland and Sweden giving seminars and participating in workshops. I’m an actual witness of the development of Naturally Plus, from a young company one decade ago to a global company reaching out to the world with its great products and its philanthropic corporate philosophy.

What's important about the business is that it is low-risk.

I’ve always been very critical about the environment and things I consume, including water. I spent countless hours researching mineral waters, etc. So I probably have much more knowledge about water than most people. I became curious about IZUMIO—a product recommended by an acquaintance—and took a careful look at the ingredients. What I discovered is that IZUMIO is not simply another beverage. It contains a high concentration of hydrogen; and hydrogen plays a key role in removing free radicals from the body.
Every minute, free radicals are produced inside our bodies as a result of extrinsic and intrinsic stresses, and our cells are then damaged by them. To sustain our health, these free radicals need to be removed continuously. That’s why hydrogen is indispensable for the human body. I also searched the keyword “hydrogen” on the Internet and was intrigued by stories like “Fountain of Lourdes miracle water healing people." In view of what had happened to me and the results obtained, I’m completely convinced by this theory and have continued to drink IZUMIO ever since.
As you might guess, I became a huge fan of Naturally Plus products and also started taking a recently launched product, PARAMYLON ARX. I heard that it was a special formula designed for the digestive system, and since I was troubled by constipation, I decided to try it. Again, I quickly recognized an improvement in the level of relief and added comfort to my life. I shared my experiences with the products with many friends.
Then, one day I was looking at my account and noticed that Naturally Plus had deposited money into it. That’s when it struck me that the company actually pays people for sharing their experiences with other people. I’m like a living commercial for them. As the amount grew and grew each day, I realized that these products virtually sell themselves, and that Naturally Plus offers an excellent business opportunity.
What's important about the business is that it is low-risk. There are hardly any liabilities, such as stocking products. All you need to do is share your experience and the company takes care of the rest. As I found out more about the compensation plan, I decided to seriously devote myself to the business in January 2009. Today, I receive the income of an average businessman, working when I want, where I want. I realized that if you truly love a product and love to share it, everything you have ever dreamt of, a nice house or car, can come true in the near future.
* IZUMIO is not currently available via the online shop, but you can purchase it from our customer centers in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia.

Even someone as down and out as I was can make a comeback.

If you use a product and find that it brings you real and positive benefits, don’t you think you should share it with family and friends?
That’s exactly what I did after using Naturally Plus products—I became so excited about what the products did for me that I talked to everyone about it. Then my circle of friends started trying them, and the next thing I knew, they were feeling the benefits too. This series of events naturally led to the start of my business.
Before my encounter with Naturally Plus, for years I had felt there was nothing more in life for me. I was in so much misery that I was ready to give up. Then, suddenly, I was looking forward to tomorrow again. Yes, it is a one-of-a-kind opportunity. Even someone as down and out as I was can make a comeback. On top of that, I have met many kind people through Naturally Plus, people who care about me and others who need help as well.
Thanks to the many Naturally Plus members helping me, I’ve become who I am today. And I feel the best way to express my gratitude is to help other people have a better life too. Due to my health condition, I can no longer work in an office environment like a normal person. But the Naturally Plus business allows you to work anytime, anywhere. It gave me the chance to become financially independent. I don’t have to rely on my family to support me the rest of my life. That means so much to me.
Naturally Plus is now rapidly expanding around the world. I’m so excited that I can give others hope by sharing my experiences with them. This is truly an awesome company. I want the whole world to know, it can give people hope in the same way it has given me more confidence.
Naturally Plus is serious about customer relations management. Whenever I visit the customer center in Tokyo, the staff welcome me with warm smiles. Ever since the beginning I've always felt a strong bond and connection with Naturally Plus.
Thanks to Naturally Plus I can walk farther, my pain has been eased, and what is more important than anything else, is that I feel stronger than ever. My desire is to help people by sharing Naturally Plus products and the unique business opportunity regardless of the distance between us.

I’ve continued taking SUPER LUTEIN faithfully for nine years now, and I feel stronger than ever.

I recently celebrated my 79th birthday. I’m a pharmacist and have worked all my life researching and developing medicines for a major Japanese pharmaceutical company. I really love my job. The biggest achievement in my life was the creation of a very popular health drink supplement that is available in stores throughout Japan today.
Being a pharmacist, I had always been very careful about my health and food intake, including the use of supplements and their ingredients. I used to think that I was the healthiest person in world. But I wasn't...
The accounting auditor working for the pharmaceutical company recommended that I try SUPER LUTEIN. As I always do, I read the product information guidebook and carefully researched the ingredients written on the label. Itseemed to be a very advanced formula with lots of nutrition, so I decided it was worth giving a try. I registered with the company, the auditor became my sponsor*, and Naturally Plus started delivering the product to me each month.
* Sponsor is the person that first shares Naturally Plus products or the business opportunity with you. Naturally Plus products are sold exclusively through distributors and are NOT available in stores. Your sponsor will provide you with a detailed introduction of our products and opportunity.
I’ve continued taking SUPER LUTEIN faithfully for nine years now, and I feel stronger than ever. A product this amazing deserves to be shared with as many people as possible. That is why I decided to devote myself to the Naturally Plus business.
Through Naturally Plus, I’ve met many people, made numerous friends and have had dinner and drinks with them from time to time over the years. My organization expanded naturally, and before long I noticed that besides sharing feelings and offering emotional support when needed, those people had become like family to me. Today, I have a bunch of true friends and a stable income. Thanks to Naturally Plus, my life has been enriched, both financially and mentally. From my experience, I want to tell people who happen to read this, "The most important thing about this business is to just keep doing it… Never give up. You can get health, wealth, or friends, or all of them!

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