Friday, March 25, 2016

Giving Back

More than a decade ago, recognizing how important the eyes are to people’s happiness, Naturally Plus began studying how to protect eye health. This mission gave birth to the company’s first product, SUPER LUTEIN, a nutritional supplement specially designed for the eyes. Having a deep compassion for people with impaired vision, just one year after establishing the company, Naturally Plus organized a project where employees and members come together to take part in various activities and campaigns for the Japan Guide Dog Association (JGDA). The experience was so rewarding that participation has continued ever since, and has evolved to include fund-raising events like golf tournaments and holding seminars promoting the activities of the JGDA.

Naturally Plus Kids Fund (Japan)

In 2009, we established the Naturally Plus Kids Fund, which is
funded by a percentage of product sales and donations from members and Naturally Plus employees. The funds are overseen by a special operations committee chaired by a senior managing director of Naturally Plus and supports activities of non-profit organizations established to help less fortunate children, such as Nanbyounet (All-Japan Support Network for Children with Incurable Diseases) and Kyoto Children’s Village (orphanage).

Activities around the World

Philanthropic activities overseas began in 2004, with a $100,000 donation to the Taiwan Foundation for the Blind and sponsoring blind marathon runner Ahgan Wen-Gan Chang for the Taiwan Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award.

Committed to helping people achieve healthier, happier lives, Naturally Plus is making contributions that positively affect society as well. We recognize the corporate responsibilities as a member of the communities and regions we work and live in, and encourage employees and members to become involved in philanthropic activities. A few of the activities supporting social development overseas include the establishment of Hard Life, an NPO created to support CSR activities throughout Asia. Its first project was the construction of a school for children in Boffa, Guinea. Many children have been given the opportunity to obtain an education and become contributing members to society after graduation.
CSR activities have expanded in parallel with the recent growth of business in other countries. Naturally Plus is sponsoring and participating in fund-raising events for blind foundations and orphanages, and donations are being made to areas devastated by natural disasters. One example is Yayasan Sunbeams Home (Orphanage), Malaysia.
You too can make a difference in the lives of people in need in your community. Join us and start giving back today. Share in the joyous feeling of leading a meaningful life and representing our ever-present Naturally Plus integrity.

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